// Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function whyThisName(thisNameSucks)
let niceName = name.split(' ')[0];
_niceName = niceName.split('').reverse().join('');
_niceName = (_niceName === undefined) ? 'justAnotherGuy' : _niceName;
return 'Sachincool - \(0_0)/'+_niceName+' Yah! that's me.(I'm also known by Harshit Luthra).';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This site was hastily built as my tiny profile page. I love Android, Kotlin. Playing with servers is my passion. Hate JS with all my guts, But sometimes code in it to help out colleagues. Uses Python for small scripts. Stopped writing C since I started College. Hope I die after I vanquish my thirst for more knowledge. Sachincool popularly known as [sachincool] - told ya, I'm cool.

Quick facts:-
  I'm Cancer (if that matters).
  Agnostic guy.
  Loves chilling out alone with pizzas whilst watching movies/TV shows.
  Anime fan.
  Loves crazy jokes and puns and the internet.
  Dumber than I may seem.
  Intrigued by programming.
  Can't dance for shit.
  Introvert. Likes being an introvert.
  Hi! I'm sad and you're watching Disney Channel.
  In emergency, Please contact via ouija board.

This nasty programmer never keeps away. He is never idle. He does all head-butted stuffs to build his Webapps. A tech-savy by nature and a professional programmer, this man is damn crazy.

I couldn't spare money to arrange devotees to spread good words about me. So I'm adding it myself. Thanks for your time <3

You can reach me out at: [email protected].

Happy writing

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// Projects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Meta --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Weird Facts:- "I have to wipe my eyes every time I come out of the water when I swim"